Donating to

Thank you for considering donating to my YouTube channel.

Donations will be used for Prizes and cost of materials for Giveaways, for example, guitar pedal parts.

Every penny donated (minus the Paypal fees) will be put towards rewarding members of my audience.

All tips and donations are taken via the StreamElements tipping page which can be accessed by clicking below…

Also Accepting BTC/ETH Donations

If you are a ‘cryptoking’ and want to avoid Paypal taking a portion of your donation
then you are very welcome to send BTC/ETH to my wallet at the following addresses…

BTC : bc1qtw3y5xqgezf64044ndgl9ex4e98evunngg4pjs

ETH : 0xfE76FafF126e58c4A9715FE849b594d1383e003B

Finally, thank you again for considering donating. I am always blown away by the generosity of people of the internet, especially within my little community.